Sunday, July 22, 2012

EXCLUSIVE! Nigel Gibbs'es Interview in Breaking Bad Greek Blog!

In this exclusive interview with Breaking Bad Greek Blog, Nigel Gibbs (Detective Tim Roberts on AMC's Breaking Bad) talks about his role and the possible return on season 5 and much more! Hit the jump below to read more!
Q : Besides Breaking Bad you appeared in several television series including The Shield. Both Breaking Bad and Shield have 2 great anti heroes! Do you think is there any connection between these shows ?
A : In my opinion there are no connections between Breaking Bad and The Shield. Some might try and draw a comparison and say that both shows feature characters who could be considered good people who did bad things, but if one were to examine closely they would see that Vic Mackey may not have been so good from the beginning. He might have believed he was a good person or that he was doing what was right for the greater good, but the result was a kind of law enforcement purgatory. Eew! The only thing i can say for Walter White is, poor Walter because he was a good guy, who became a real baaaad assss.\

Q : Did you expect to come back on Breaking Bad on season 4?
A : I did not expect to return to the show for season 4.  Needless to say it was a welcomed surprise. The producers told me they really liked the simplicity I gave my performance in the one episode of season 2 that they hoped they could find away to bring me back. And they did. Doesn't get much better than that for an actor.

Q : Will you be on season 5 ?
A : No and please don't ask me again. (Joking) Sadly I will not be in season 5. And yes, it is to late to try and write A&E to protest and petition for my return, but thanks anyway.

Q : You have appeared in several television series including The Shield, CSI, Lost, Boston Legal and Desperate Housewives. What role did you enjoyed most ?
A : I would have to say that Asst. Chief Roy Phillips has been my most enjoyable role today. Even though he wore a uniform Phillips was an administrator with two basic questions: Is the job done, and if not, who's responsible? For me he really felt like an elementary school principle (k-5 here in the states) who shows up to a classroom unannounced an monitors the activity. Depending on the events of the day he either, reprimands, scolds, admonish or tries to contain blow back. With Mackey there was a fair amount of damage control that needed to be employed.

Q : You get cast a lot as a cop. Why do you think that is?
A : Visually I fit the mold rather well and creatively I seem to be doing 
a pretty good job, so they tell me.  As long as the cop drama has life
I may have work.  Plus, I really look good in a uniform. : )

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