Monday, May 28, 2012

EXCLUSIVE! Steven Bauer's interview in our blog ! [ENGLISH VERSION]

This is the English version of the exclusive interview of Steven Bauer in our blog !!! Hit the jump below to read more...
Questions : You are best known for playing "Manny Ribera" in Scarface, Vince Gilligan in an earlier interview about Breaking Bad said that is a show about change, "You take Mr. Chips and turn him into Scarface.". Can you make a comment about that ?
Answer : Personally, I was honored to be recognized by someone as creative as Vince Gilligan...and trusted to play the character as complex as Don Eladio

Q : On Breaking Bad you play the role of "Don Eladio", a mexican drug dealer. Can you make a comment about your role on Breaking Bad ? Also, how much do you think Don Eladio influenced the character of Gus ?
A : Don Eladio is a very exciting role to play...because I basically was given the freedom to fill in many colors of his personality.  I do believe that Don Eladio heavily influenced Gus' development and thirst for revenge.

Q : Is there any possibility to see you as flashback in season 5 ?
A : With this show there is always a possibility, but as of this moment I'm not aware of any...but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Q : Which is your favourite scene of the entire Breaking Bad ?
A :  My favorite scene is where Mike (Jonathan Banks) punches Walt in the face in the bar.  I also like the scene where Walt gets out of his car to go kill Gus at his house and Mike calls his cell phone and instructs him to turn around.

Q : Is was difficult for you a film actor to choose to play on a television show ?
A : Not at all...when working with talented people and great writing it is all the same for me..

Q : Episode 410 "Salud" was crazy ! The scene which your characher dies is awesome ! Tell us something about this episode ?
A : That was the most fun I have had in years...the scene was written brilliantly and directed with a perfect touch by Michelle MacLaren...on a side note the tequila bottle was created for the scene by the prop was very fragile and I was afraid I would break it in my enthusiasm to open it and ruin the scene because no replacement if it broke!

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