Wednesday, July 18, 2012

EXCLUSIVE! Bill Burr's Interview in Breaking Bad Greek Blog!

The amazing comedian Bill Burr, who plays Saul Goodman's henchman Kuby on Breaking Bad, describes how it was like from being a stand-up comic to a tough guy on Breaking Bad! And much more! Hit the jump below to read more!

Q : Huell and Kuby are part of Saul Goodman's "A-Team." He sends them on missions like the one on episode 411 "Crawl Space" in which they must collect from Ted Beneke! Tell us something about awesome scene.
A :  This scene is the most fun I've ever had as an actor.  I approached the scene in a simple way. All Kuby wants is to get the check and get out of there. He doesn't want any trouble and he doesn't have to try and act tough because he has Huell as a partner. I tried to give off a vibe to Beneke that there was no decision to make. It had already been made for him, so let's just make this easy on everybody, do what I say, and then we can all watch TV while we wait for the check to clear.

Q : Can't wait to see season 5 of Breaking Bad! Will you be on it ?
A : I'm not allowed to say when but there's a good chance you will see Kuby again in season 5.

Q : Ηow was it was like working with Lavell Crawford, a comedian like yourself?

A : I've been friends with Lavell for about ten years.  He's one of the funniest people I know and I had a great time hanging out with him and listening to his stories.  His comedy comes from straight up honesty so he had me laughing every day we worked together.

Q : How it was like to go from being a stand-up comic to a tough guy on Breaking Bad?
A : It was surreal. I've been a fan of Breaking Bad since the first episode. I obviously wanted to be on the show but didn't know if it would ever happen. I got some really nice feedback on the work I was doing and as a stand up it made me feel great. They usually don't let comedians do drama. They think we are only good at making people laugh. Most comedy comes from some pretty dramatic situations so it's kind of funny that some people think a comedian couldn't pull off a dramatic scene. Fortunately Vince Gilligan isn't one of those people. I owe him forever for letting me play a character like Kuby. It's truly a dream come true.

Q : Breaking Bad have been called the best TV show ever, can you make a comment about that and also which is your favourite TV show?
Α : As far as I'm concerned, Breaking Bad and The Wire are in their own stratosphere. No other TV shows come close. Even the greatest shows seem to peek after three seasons. With Breaking Bad the quality, the conflict, the entire show somehow rises to a new level with each season. Just when you think it can't get anymore intense, it does! I can't wait to see how this season plays out.

Q : Vince Gilligan said in an previous interview that he is preparing a spin-off show based on Saul Goodman! Would you like to be a part of it?
A : I would do it in a second! I love the Saul Goodman character and I've been a huge fan of Bob Odenkirk since his stand up special. I hope it happens!

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