Monday, July 2, 2012

EXCLUSIVE! Daniel Moncada's interview in our blog ! [ENGLISH VERSION]

This is the English version of the exclusive interview of Daniel Moncada in our blog !!! Hit the jump below to read more...
Q : How was it working with your brother on Breaking Bad ? 
A : It was a nightmare (Just kidding). Working with my Bro Luis was awesome.

Q : How did you end up in Breaking Bad?
A : Well To cut the story short... Luis initially went to the audition for the Cousins first, After the audition the Casting Directors found out he had a brother and told Luis to bring me along. Luis Call me to get my ass home from work to come and study the lines. The next Day We both went to the audition did separate seesions and then one together w some improve in Spanish. Then the Cousins were born ;)

Q : Mr Moncada, since you never acted before your role on Breaking Bad, what did you find to be the most awesome of being an actor ?
A : I Loved every aspect of it. Specially being a bad guy doing all those crazy things and doing my own stunts.

Q : Your role had a specificity, you must be silent for too long. It was difficult for you ?
A : It was actually pretty cool Not having diolugue because being it my first job, I would've probably been a little nervous. I also got the opportunity to be on set and watch other Actors work (I learned a lot from that) It was only hard when we were trying to say more without using words.

Q : One of the best moments of the Mexican Cousins was on the shootout scene with Hank on episode 307 "One Minute". You were awesome on this scene. Can you please tell us how do you shoot this scene?
A : The day we shot this scene was like Chaos and not to mention the weather wasnt working to our advantage (snow). As soon as we were done shooting one scene we had to run to the next one. Alot of work not enough time.

Q : How was it working with Vince Gilligan on Breaking Bad? What kind of guy he is ?
A : It was a cool experience and such an honor to have worked with him. He is a cool guy very humble, approachable and so, so talented (genius)

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