Thursday, August 11, 2011

Συνέντευξη του Dean Norris (Hank)

Is it true you went to Harvard, because I find that very surprising.
[Laughs] First of all, yes it’s true. And second of all, why do you find that surprising?

Do you get that reaction a lot? When I saw that, I was like ‘for real?’
I don’t know if I get it a lot. I get it sometimes.

What did you take there?
It was a concentration called social studies, which was basically looking at great books, economics, philosophy, history, politics…

Do you think that there is a stereotype with Harvard grads? Certainly I can definitely admit that I had one. I definitely had one about you and didn’t see it coming.
Yeah, it’s kind of like those Winklevoss twins or whoever those guys are from The Social Network. Harvard actually is a pretty diverse crowd. They pride themselves on bringing in diversity. I mean it still has a lot of people from prep schools and things like that but I grew up in Indiana, went to a public school and got into Harvard.

Were you just born to play a cop? I was looking at your credits and it is like ‘cop,’ ‘cop,’ ‘cop,’ ‘cop,’ ‘cop,’ so I feel like if I want to play a cop I should just shave all my hair.
[Laughs] Well you know, I am starting to play dads more now in the last few years as I am getting older. Physicality is a big part of casting, for better or for worse.

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