Monday, June 18, 2012

EXCLUSIVE! Mark Margolis's interview in our blog ! [ENGLISH VERSION]

This is the English version of the exclusive interview of Mark Margolis in our blog !!! Hit the jump below to read more...
Q : Your character expresses so much without ever saying a word. How did you go about developing the different facial mannerisms for your character?
A : Never “developed” any facial mannerisms. My character hears & sees what is going on & the facial changes are the natural result of thought. I do not plan or work at these things anymore than a normal speaking person who responds in the moment to whatever is coming at him. The only thing i ever set was one side of the mouth which was turned up and a bit as a result of the paralysis of the stroke. This i got from observing, years ago, a relative who had had a stroke, could not speak & had a fixed lack of symmetry as regards the left and right sides of the mouth.

Q : Whose idea was it to use the bell as the means by which Hector communicates? 
A : I came on the show in the second season out in the remote cabin in the desert where Tuco kept me. The bell was attached to the wheel chair & the script noted that Tio communicated and commanded attention by dinging the bell. This was especially necessary in order to get Tuco’s attention when I observed that Walter and Jesse were plotting to poison him.

Q : You were in Scarface with Steven Bauer. What was it like to work with him again after all this time?
A : It was nice to see Steven again. I had run into him on several occasions in the past. We both worked in several other TV shows and i saw him in LA when i was out there on one occasion. I thought Steven was quite terrific and at times very humorous in the two episodes of BrB! Speaking of Scarface, i just worked with Al Pacino for the first time in 29 years in a film called “Stand Up Guys” which will come out in 2013!

Q : Do you find that people recognize you more after your appearance in Breaking Bad?
A : I did the 2nd, 3rd and 4th season of BB. The first year I found that most people had heard of the show but had never seen it. The last year i get stopped constantly because the show finally caught on to a large audience thru word of mouth. But I have been recognized for decades by people as result of Scarface and several Tv Shows : Oz, The Equalizer and many others!

Q : How did you find out about his demise of your character?
A : I had an inkling that I might be “offed” in the 4th season. I even joked with Vince once about how to go about it. But actually Vince called me one morning to let me know that I was going to be eliminated and he didn’t want me to be upset about it! I did not, though, know how my demise would come about until I saw the actual script … Sometime after Vince’s call!

Q : If your character had the chance to talk. What do you think he would say ?
A : He would say exactly what you can easily see him saying. Without words, by the expressions on my face, in every scene that I did in all the episodes that I was in!

Special Thanks to Jennifer for her help ! 

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